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The Top 5 Reasons Why Your Mattress Needs to Be Replaced

Bed is the ultimate place of comfort and sleep. The feeling of detaching yourself from all the chaos and getting a restful night is unbeatable. But, do you know the lifespan of your mattress can impact the quality of your sleep and have serious health hazards. It can be really hard to bid farewell to your favourite mattress but don’t ignore the side effect of using old mattress. Here’s why you should replace it? 

What are the side effects of sleeping on an old mattress?

From being drowsy to having cramps in your body, the short-term side effect of using old mattress are quite prominent, but the long-term effects go unnoticed. Let’s discuss these aspects in detail. 

Always drowsy

Insufficient sleep can make you drowsy throughout the day. It can drop your productivity to an extreme low. Moreover, it can make you feel tired juggling between numerous tasks. 

Body pain

One of the side effect of using old mattress is it cannot contour your body properly. This can provide you with the right spinal alignment or firmness to sleep comfortably. You don’t want to wake up cranky with body aches, do you? 

Signs of ageing

Premature ageing is a side effect of using old mattress that shows on your body in the longer run. Let us caution you that it doesn’t just stop with dark circles alone. 

Weaker immunity 

You are more likely to become sick when you don’t get sufficient sleep. This is because sleep can bolster the T cells in your body that fight off infection and also mitigates the risk of cardiac diseases and lung problems. So, poor sleep directly translates to poor immunity.

Low libido 

Do you know a low sex drive can be the side effect of using old mattress? Sleep deprivation can lower the testosterone level and negatively impact your sex drive. It can also lead to erectile dysfunction and reduced sperm count. 

When should you ditch your used mattress?

While the average shelf life of a mattress is seven to ten years, the deciding factor is the type of mattress and how well you take care of it. There is no single best way to check mattress, but these are the signs you have to look out for. 

Saggy Mattress

If your mattress is starting to sag, it is definitely a thumbs down. Sagging usually happens when the coil weakens, and the foam begins to lose shape, which further reduces the contouring properties of the mattress. 


The squeaking noises when you turn and roll on your bed can wake you up in the middle of the night and cause sleep disturbances. Although the screeching sounds can be fixed by tightening the bolts of the coil, replacing the mattress is the only option if the coil ages.  

Starts to Smell

When you use the mattresses for longer periods, they tend to smell predominantly due to the presence of mould, fungi, and mildew. It is unpleasant to think about it; now, imagine sleeping on it. A big no! 

Aggravates allergies 

Are you often suffering from running nose, watery eyes, and severe headaches after a day’s sleep and worried about what might be the underlying cause? Well, it is one of the used mattress side effects.

What is the best type of mattress for you?

As there is no direct way to rule out the side effect of using old mattress, 

opting for a high-quality mattress is a pragmatic choice. So, what is the best mattress without side effects? Curated with ultra-modern technology, our Hellosleep mattresses will perfectly cater to all your sleep needs. Check out our stunning collection now! 

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