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How Much Sleep Do We Really Need

Every body function depends on sleep, including our ability to fight off illness, build immunity, regulate our metabolism, and reduce our risk of developing chronic diseases. So every adult needs to sleep at least 6 hours a day. Though six hours is the least option, anything less than that is highly not recommendable.A recent study tells us that sleeping at 10 pm at the night is the optimal time for every adult. Sleep plays a major role in every human life. If you are not following a good sleeping time you might end up accumulating 60% of negative emotional responses in your body.

How many hours of sleep is healthy?

To lead a healthy sleep cycle everyone needs to sleep for 7-9 hours daily. As per the guidelines of the national sleep foundation, they advise every adult to sleep for at least 7 hours a day and thus they consider those 7-9 hours are the best sleeping hours.

Sleeping time of a newborn to older adults is as follows:

AgeSleep per day
Newborns 0-3 months14 to 17 hours 
Infant 4-11 months12 to 15 hours 
Toddler 1-2 years11 to 14 hours 
Preschool 3-5 years10 to 13 hours 
School-age6-13 years09 to 11 hours 
Teen 14-17 years08 to 10 hours 
Young adults 18-25 years07 to 09 hours 
Adults 26-64 years07 to 09 hours 
Older adults 65+ years07 to 08 hours 

The above data shows us the average sleeping time by age. 

How much sleep do we really need?

So every adult needs to sleep at least 6 hours a day. Though six hours is the least option, anything less than that is highly not recommendable.  

A recent study tells us that sleeping at 10 pm at night is the optimal time for every adult.

Pros of  following a sleep pattern

Sleep Can Strengthen Your Heart. Sleep Can Boost Your Immune System.

Sleeping can increase productivity. Sleep deprivation can be dangerous. Sleep can improve exercise performance. Sleep improves memory. Better sleep equals better mood.

Cons of not following a sleep pattern.

Consistent sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality are the main causes of sleep deprivation. Regularly getting less than 7 hours of sleeping time can eventually have a negative impact on your overall health. In addition, a sleep disorder may be the underlying cause of this.

To function at its best, your body requires sleep just as it does air and food. Your body repairs itself and rebalances its chemicals while you sleep. Your brain creates new connections between ideas and aids in memory retention.

Your brain and body’s systems won’t operate normally if you don’t get enough sleep. Additionally, it may significantly reduce your quality of life.

If your day’s sleep didn’t actually go well you can take power naps in the daytime. You can also calculate your sleep by using a sleep time calculator. There are many applications available that help you to know your sleep time and give a detailed analysis of it.

How long is a power nap?

A power nap should not be more than 20 to 30 minutes in a day. 

Prioritize your sleep in the following ways:

Make a better sleeping schedule. Create a sleep schedule and follow it.

Reduce screen time before bedtime. At least an hour before lights-out, turn off the electronics.

Following all these steps can lead you to follow and maintain a healthy sleep cycle.

If you’re suffering from sleeping on your mattresses just look at our products which will provide the comfortable sleep which you deserve. 

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Is 6.5 hours of sleep enough?

Yes it’s enough but sleeping more than 7 hours is recommendable.

How can I get a better night’s sleep?

  1. Stick to a sleep schedule. Set aside no more than eight hours for sleep. …
  2. Pay attention to what you eat and drink. Don’t go to bed hungry or stuffed. …
  3. Create a restful environment. …
  4. Limit daytime naps.

What are some of the warning signs of sleep deprivation?

The majority of the time, if you feel sleepy during the day, you haven’t gotten enough sleep. The same holds true if you nod off right away after lying down. Another sign of sleep deprivation is microsleeps, or very brief periods of sleep while otherwise awake.

What happens if you don’t sleep?

Lack of consistent sleep can have an impact on a variety of chronic health conditions. These include some types of cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure, and coronary heart disease. A stroke could also be more likely to happen to you. Your risk of getting hurt is higher.

Why is sleep essential?

The brain is very active while we sleep, performing many crucial tasks, in contrast to our still physical state. Every bodily function depends on sleep, which also has an impact on our metabolism and risk of developing chronic diseases as well as our physical and mental performance the following day.

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