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Best sleeping positions for good night’s sleep

We all enjoy napping and taking power naps, but do we know the best sleeping positions?

So sleeping 8 hours a day is a necessity for every human being but we don’t care about our sleeping positions and what are their effects? Every Sleeping position has its advantages as various sleeping positions vary. You might need to adjust your position if you’re having trouble managing your pain or other medical issues. And while changing your usual sleeping position might not be something you can achieve in a single needs practice everyday to adjust from our comfortable sleep position to turn into a healthy sleep position.But don’t worry about it if you don’t feel comfortable doing that. To make sure you’re getting the most out of your preferred sleeping position, you can also try modifying it.

So let us know  what are the best sleeping positions and their benefits upon the human body.

Fetal Position

This is the most popular sleep position. In this position you lie on your side with your legs bent and tucked in close to your torso. Sleeping in the fetal position not only helps with lower back discomfort and pregnancy, but it also reduces snoring.This position has its own drawbacks, like cozy positions may prevent you from breathing deeply as you sleep.if your someone who is facing joint pains or body stiffness you might feel very  sore in the morning. Thus are the drawbacks of this position. 

Sleeping Tips

Make sure your posture is loose and relaxed when you curl up to make the fetal position more comfortable. Keep your legs somewhat spread out. Even better, consider lying down with a pillow in between your knees.

Sleeping on your side

Side sleeping position is similar to the fetal position except your legs aren’t drawn near your body. Sleeping on your side is often beneficial for you, much like the fetal position. It’s excellent for digestion and might possibly lessen heartburn, in addition to lowering snoring.sleeping on your side may not always be the best, despite these advantages. It can result in tension in your jaw on that side in addition to stiffness in your shoulders.

Sleeping tips

Pick a supportive pillow if you like to sleep on your side to prevent neck and back problems. Choose a side that feels most comfortable for you to sleep on, but don’t be hesitant to try a different position if the one you’re in isn’t helping you.

Sleeping on Stomach (belly) 

The posture of sleeping on your stomach might be last on the list if we had to rank sleeping positions. Although it’s a favorable position for sleep apnea or snoring Trusted Source, the advantages don’t go very far.

Sadly, sleeping on your stomach might hurt your back and neck. You might be waking up uncomfortable and exhausted since it might put a lot of unnecessary strain on your muscles and joints. Consider putting a pillow beneath your lower belly to ease back pain.

Sleeping tips

Try sleeping on your stomach with a thin head pillow, or even without one, to make the position more comfortable and less stressful on your neck. To relieve lower back pain, you can also try placing a pillow beneath your pelvis.

Flat on your back

The best position for your health is to sleep on your back. Your spine is protected, and it can also aid in easing hip and knee pain.Gravity helps to maintain your body evenly aligned over your spine while you sleep on your back. The natural curve of your back may be supported by placing a pillow behind your knees.

This position has an additional benefit to prevent the skin on your face from wrinkling, which is beneficial if you’re concerned about maintaining it youthful-looking.

Thus every sleeping position has its own merits and demerits. We need to choose what’s best for us and suitable for our body. Choosing proper sleep positions helps you physically and mentally in your daily life.

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Which side is best to sleep on?

The best position for your health is to sleep on your back. Your spine is protected, and it can also aid in easing hip and knee pain. Gravity helps maintain your body evenly aligned over your spine while you sleep on your back. This can lessen any unnecessary strain on your joints or back.

Does sleeping without a pillow have more benefits?

This sleep position helps people who sleep on their front. It helps in knee and spine alignment.

How can I sleep better at night naturally?

Stick to a sleep schedule. Set aside no more than eight hours for sleep and also limit day time naps.

What to drink to sleep faster?

Warm Milk and Almond Milk helps to sleep faster.

What is the right way to sleep in bed?

  • Lie flat on the back facing the ceiling. Avoid tilting the head sideways.
  • Position a pillow to support the head and neck.

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